Being Spacious

The openness, the vastness, the limitlessness, the wholeness, the spaciousness are important aspects of the Universe. The space element, out of the five elements- earth, water, fire, air and space, represents the openness and expansion of life. The mankind is burdened with so much of mind made clutter of negative emotions and of blocked energy […]


Inner Stillness

The outer layer of life is always on a fast gear most of the time. I, me and mine is the mindset. The precious energy of the Universe is always spent on leaving every one behind. The further we go, the difficult it becomes to come back. The narrow vision is to live for self […]


Being Alive

Are we living or we are alive? There is a huge difference between living and being-alive. Living is the routine of ever day life. Living is set of same activities which we do most of the time. The mind and the body follow the same instructions. The mind is thinking of success or failure, profit […]