We cling to possessions and people, and look for certainty in circumstances and relationships in the belief that these will bring us fulfillment. We are happy or sad depending on how these elements follow “our plan”. If they do, we feel ‘In Control’; if they don’t, as often happens, we are disappointed and we become full of resentment, bitterness and self-pity. Many of us live out our lives in secret spaces of grief and guilt.

Unknowingly, we enjoy inhabiting these spaces. While we may proclaim that we long to be joyous and free of fears, doubts, hurt and sadness, if we were to honestly look within, we may find we do just the opposite. We nourish hurt, often proudly displaying it; we feel loyal if refuse to shed the loss of someone passing; we carry the cross of guilt, unable to forgive ourselves or others for perceived transgressions; we ‘responsibly’ worry and fret.

Can we choose to be joyful, free of fear and worry? Can we remain unaffected by circumstances? And what about letting go of deeply inflicted hurt and pain? Would that not mean cheaply letting off the hook someone who deserves to be punished? Can we choose our emotional states?

While many of us are very aware of our body, its physical systems and its frailties, perhaps we do not really understand how of a role we play keeping it healthy. Apart from food, sleep, exercise, the need for solitude and sadhna, we are unaware that we are responsible for keeping ourselves emotionally fit. The energy system, crucial for good health, is invisible and often uncared for – we allow ourselves to be buffeted by waves of emotion, get swept away by anger or depression, and drown in self pity. Attempting to warn us, the body manifests disease, we feel stressed, get irritated and become powerless. We vent our feelings on loved ones, relationships deteriorate and self-esteemed dips. It is a vicious circle.

To break the circle, the first step is to become aware of these -dynamics, to realize the anatomy of the ego and the power games it plays; to realize that we don’t have to drowned. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a radical and quick-acting proclaims that “all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the flow of the body’s energy system”. If this disruption is removed, the physical or emotional pain magically disappears. Described as “emotional acupuncture without needles”, it does this through a simple routine of tapping on certain points on the hands and face.
These are the end points of energy meridians, and as you tap; the blocks, like knots. in a rope, get released, and suddenly you find yourself free of debilitating pain, emotion or attitude. Perception often changed as you begin to see more carefully; attitudes shift, healing happens. There are no drugs, no side-effects, no prescriptions and no expensive equipment. And comparatively, no pain.

It has often worked when nothing else has. On all kinds of physical pains and aches, on improving sports and creative performances, getting rid of fears, phobias and addictions, oppressive emotions and memories. EFT examines the body-mind connection, emotional processing and the anatomy of various negative emotions. It helps people gain confidence to heel themselves and others.