
When we laugh, we feel happy, joyful and forget the so-called stress and tension of our life. The mind is either in the past or in the future and causes all the negative states in our day to day behaviour. Laughter easily helps us to come back in the normal state of rejuvenation in the present moment. Laughter reduces stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine. Increased levels of these hormones is directly related to fat deposition in the abnormal area — the toxic fat that is related to heart disease and an increased level of strokes.

Why search for reason to feel happy or to laugh? Let us laugh & laugh & laugh for no reason at all. Let us come out of the vicious cycle of being sad, bad & mad & feel rejuvenated and always in a state of high. Let laughter and re-juvenation be a part of our daily routine in the life and then celebration beautifully happens.

We wait for many occasions to happen and then only we celebrate them. The true celebration is to laugh, re-joice, dance, sing, paint, playfulness, turning in, letting go, ripeness, abundance, flowering, moment to moment, slowing down, awareness, love, gratitude, contentment, grace, trust, health, openness and many many more.
Instead of planning all the time how to live life, let us live life in every moment. With this every cell of the body will get the much needed space to breathe, to dance, to laugh, to rejuvenate and to celebrate life. This happens only by giving time to the inner self on a daily basis. With this the health of the physical and emotional body also improves.

Rohit conducts regular re-juvenation retreats for sick minds (& hearts too) which are there everywhere in the society. His main aim is to make people come out of their daily rut of routine life so that they live new and different in the NOW and don't fall into the cycle of mind, body and sickness. He has been conducting these re-treats since many years and it is his passion to see people happy and in a state of bliss.